Michael McLintock

Michael McLintock

Michael was a party animal and quite the ladies’ man.

Jumping into the pool at Ahmet Ertegun’s Southampton beach house. I didn’t know he was naked when I took the photo.

He didn’t even put his cocktail down.

This is for all his innumerable lady friends…I think this photo really captures his personality.

Michael McLintock

Michael was a friend of mine. He was an actor and musician. He had two albums released on a French label and was working on his third album.

I made this shooting with Michael, Kevin Tooley and male prostitutes in the Meat District of Manhattan.

The name of this album is “Sex” and the album was finished and released 20 years after Michael OD’d in Paris.

Leo Forcastie and Peter Piter were recording assistants and they put the album out in honour of Mike.